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CIO-DIO24 from $49
24 Bit Digital IO Card for IBM Compatibles

CIO-DIO24 - 24 Bit Digital IO Card for IBM Compatibles

The CIO-DIO24 low-cost digital I/O board is designed for use with IBM or compatible computers. The board employs one 8255 digital I/O chip, controlling 24 digital I/O lines, and consists of three ports: an 8-bit PA port, an 8-bit PB port, and an 8-bit PC port. The PC port may also be used as two half ports of 4 bits. Each of the ports and half ports may be configured as input or output by software control. After RESET (power up of computer), all ports are set as inputs.

The CIO-DIO24H is designed for applications that require higher current outputs; 64 mA sink or 15 mA source. This board can light LEDs and switch relays, without the use of amplifiers or buffers.

For use with real world signals, both boards connect to the SSR-RACK24 backplane, which will hold up to 24 isolation I/O modules. Both boards are very easy to program from any language that supports writing to and reading from I/O ports, and are supported by Labtech Notebook menu driven software.

Optional software drivers, called UNIV-DRVR, are available for programming in both DOS, Windows 3.1 & Windows 95. DOS support includes QuickBasic 4.5, Visual Basic, Turbo C, Visual C++, Microsoft C and Quick C. Windows support includes Microsoft C, Visual C++, Visual Basic, Borland C, and C++. Labview drivers are also available. (requires UNIV-DRVR)

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Copy (to your hard drive) Instacal setup software for DOS and Windows 3.1 now!

Copy (to your hard drive) Instacal setup software (32-bit) now!

View an Adobe Acrobat pdf file for more product info (requires Acrobat Reader).

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